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Rockstar Recovery Orange

If you ever drank a Sunny-D and thought "this should have 160mg of caffeine in it" then this drink is for you.

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Rockstar Recovery Orange is a quirky drink. If you ever drank a Sunny-D and thought "this should have 160mg of caffeine in it" then this drink is for you. I can't imagine that the thought has occurred to many people. I saw rumors online that this and other Recovery flavors were discontinued by Rockstar, but that doesn't seem to be the case at least for this flavor in particular. The beverage as a whole leaves a lot to be desired and will probably have a cult following at best.



If the appearance of the can wasn't any indication, the flavor is extremely orange. It tastes like very sweet, pseudo orange juice. The closest beverage I can compare it to is Sunny-D. It doesn't have any carbonation, which logically makes sense as it is closer to a juice. That being said, I'd prefer if it was carbonated. The drink itself feels kind of flat and lacks an element that would make it feel more than a viscous, orange drink.



Orange everywhere. It'd be hard to confuse this flavor to be anything other than Orange. Interestingly, the Rockstar Recovery text is aligned vertically and to the left, leaving more room for the massive star logo. There is a lot going on with this can, a bold, in-your-face design. It grabs your attention, however I find it to be more distracting than aesthetically pleasing.



Recovery Orange has 160mg of caffeine. I much prefer that amount to the 300mg contained in their Rockstar Thermo line. It equates to approximately 2 cups of coffee.

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