Monster Ultra Sunrise
Ultra Sunrise is one of the weaker members of Monster's Ultra product line. It's worth mentioning that a weaker product in an extremely good line of drinks is still very good
Overall Score
Ultra Sunrise is one of the weaker members of Monster's Ultra product line. It's worth mentioning that a weaker product in an extremely good line of drinks is still very good. I complain about the artificial orange flavor, but Ultra Sunrise is a solid drink. There's a time and place for it, although I'd defer to another Ultra flavor first.
If the bold orange color didn't give it away, Ultra Sunrise is the orange flavor of the Monster Ultra lineup. Unfortunately, this is one of the weaker options in their lineup. I still enjoyed the drink; however, I found it to taste highly artificial. I much prefer a more natural tasting flavor. It tastes like the base Monster Ultra flavor with Sunny-D in it. That may appeal to some, although I felt that the flavor wasn't very full.
Monster stuck to the Ultra appearance theme for Ultra Sunrise. Most notable is the eye-popping orange color. The detailed graphics around the can hide a couple suns and planets, but it isn't anything we haven't seen before. The color isn't my favorite and I'd have to rank the appearance on the lower end of Monster's Ultra line. That being said, the lower end of a well designed product line isn't a bad place to be.
Monster Ultra Sunrise has 155mg of caffeine. This equates to roughly two cups of coffee.
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