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BANG Black Cherry Vanilla

moderate flavor in combination with Bang's classic 300mg of caffeine still is a somewhat attractive package for the right consumer

Overall Score


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I had high hopes for Bang Black Cherry Vanilla. Cherry and vanilla are an attractive pairing of flavors in my personal opinion. Bang married the two flavors and got it right in the initial sip. However, the initial taste quickly fades and leaves a mediocre aftertaste. The drink ends up not being as satisfying as it could be and thus falls short of expectations. Falling short of my lofty expectations does not mean that it is a bad drink. The moderate flavor in combination with Bang's classic 300mg of caffeine still is a somewhat attractive package for the right consumer.



Bang stuck to the script with Black Cherry Vanilla. It tastes like a blend of cherry and vanilla, like the name implies. However, the blend reminds me of a generic brand of soda you'd buy in bulk at the grocery store. Generic brand sodas are still good, but they lack the extra oomph found in the name brands. The same goes for Black Cherry Vanilla. The initial flavor is good, but it quickly fades to an aftertaste that falls short.



The Bang theme is revised for Black Cherry Vanilla with an appropriate palette of red, black, and a splash of white. My biggest nitpick is the red at the top of the label is slightly faded in color compared to the red on the rest of the can. The colors contrast well but there isn't much to write home about.



Bang Cherry Vanilla has 300mg of caffeine. This is approximately equivalent to 3 cups of coffee. Caution should be exercised with consuming that much caffeine in one sitting.

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