Rockstar Thermo Tropical Fire
If you like bubblegum flavor, light carbonation, and a rocket up your ass that lives up to the can design, you’ll love Thermo Tropical Fire.
Overall Score
Not gonna lie, I actually delayed buying this drink for months after seeing it pop up at my local 7-11 because of how intimidating the can is. Plus, what the hell is Thermogenic Tropical Fire?
I would describe the taste as vaguely fruity, with an aftertaste that you typically get from artificial cotton candy or bubble gum flavor. The carbonation is too light for my taste - but maybe I’m used to Uptime which has pretty heavy carbonation and mouth feel. After finishing the drink I see that it has green tea extract. I wasn’t able to pinpoint that while I was drinking, but it makes sense.
Like I said, the can is intimidating. It’s intense and I feel like I’m not cool enough to drink it. I like the move by Rockstar to add a different style can to their portfolio as I’m not a fan of their usual design. Pours out clear with light carbonation.
Rockstar always gets me going, and this is no exception with 300mg of caffeine. I felt wired immediately and had just eaten, so it wasn’t on an empty stomach. I was still trash at Call of Duty but that’s neither here nor there. Really good kick if you’re looking for a serious boost.
I wouldn’t go for it again because the taste underwhelmed; but if you like bubblegum flavor, light carbonation, and a rocket up your ass that lives up to the can design, you’ll love Thermo Tropical Fire.
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