BANG Delish Strawberry Kiss
If you're smart, and strawberry Starbust is your favorite Starburst, then you'll definitely dig this drink.
Overall Score
It's not my fault I picked up this drink along with Bang Peach Mango and Bang Pina Colada; a friend recommended Pina Colada, and 7-11 had them buy two get one free... you know how that goes. I'm not gonna lie, the pink can has stood out to me before, and I do like strawberry (as a fruit), so this has been on my short list for a while.
If you've read my review for Bang Star Blast you'll remember I say it tastes exactly like strawberry Hi-Chew. Well I'm here to tell you that this ALSO tastes like strawberry Hi-Chew.
I know, I know. You probably think I have a limited taste palette at this point. But someone please tell me I'm wrong. The one distinction I'll make is that this has a slightly stronger artificial strawberry flavor, like a strawberry Starburst.
If you're smart, and strawberry Starbust is your favorite Starburst, then you'll definitely dig this drink. It's a nice, candy-sweet strawberry drink.
The Bang cans are normally very average, but this one has a little pizzazz. It's bright pink with little hearts behind the traditional bang logo. It's adorable!
300mg of caffeine, so prepare your body. "Super" creatine, COQ10, and EAA aminos.
It's a nice strawberry energy drink, but I swear the overlap with Star Blast is like 90%. The marketing team at Bang seems like they're getting high on their own supply - putting the same recipe in 3 different cans (Star Blast, Strawberry Blast, and Delish Strawberry Kiss) and calling it a day.
Above average for sure, but nothing to write home about.
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