BANG Birthday Cake Bash
It’s going to physically hurt me when I have to pour this out, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do after writing this review. Not ridiculously sweet, but you better love birthday cake if you’re going to drink this.
Overall Score
I’ve never been more hesitant to drink an energy drink in my entire life.
This is basically the perfect storm of shittiness for me:
I HATE birthday cake. I always had ice cream cakes for my birthday growing up, because icing is too sweet and normal cakes just don’t do it for me.
I’m used to 100-250mg of caffeine, so 300mg gives me the jitters
I can just tell from the can it’s going to be insane.
Drinking this is my dedication to you all, as a Caffeine Shark. Here we go.
This is it, this is the first energy drink that I’m not going to finish.
It’s not as sweet as I was expecting from Bang, but it’s just as disgusting as my expectations. I fully admit that this is a product of my bias, but I’ve taken 3 sips and I refuse to take another. If you like birthday cake, I think you’ll like it, but the artificial birthday cake aspect makes it a bit iffy… just because it’s a delicious food, doesn’t mean you want to drink a caffeinated version of it.
Bang makes a simple yet elegant can. The “b” has a cool lil’ blue-black swirl and the bright colors definitely catch your eye.
Pours out clear with low to medium carbonation.
I’m giving this a 1, because that’s the kick I’m getting from taking 3 sips. To get the kick, you’ve gotta be able to finish the drink and that’s not happening.
It does have 300mg of caffeine, creatine, COQ10, and 0 sugar for those braver than me.
It’s going to physically hurt me when I have to pour this out, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do after writing this review. Seriously, hit me up if you like this drink because otherwise I’m going to assume it’s the consensus. Am I the weird one?
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